Floating Bridge
A Floating Bridge can be a very small or indeed very large as seen in the Washington state.
The greater Puget Sound area is home to five of the world’s floating highway bridges.
The Washington state Department of Transportation has begun building the $4.6 billion successor to the 520 bridge already considered the longest floating span in the world. This will give traffic a safer and less congested cross-lake trip between Seattle and Medina.

With environmental concerns about disturbing natural habitat floating walkways or bridges are showing up in cities and communities all over Canada. It is pretty common for a community to want to capitalize on their waterfronts to attract visitors and encourage local residents to get out and enjoy the scenery.
ATV Floating Bridge
Nobody appreciates a floating walkway or bridge more than outdoors enthusiasts traveling in the back country on an ATV. Structurally sound and stable these additions can make what could have been a disastrous day to a world class outing. Check out the floating 300 foot board walk we built to cross an impossible swamp on the Trans Canada Trail System. Come Spring this fills up with water making the walkway free floating,
Vehicle Traffic
In most cases (Seattle being the exception) traffic bridges are solid structures meant to last a generation or more. A floating structure does have a role however, when talking about a temporary or remote seasonal crossing where in is not practical to build a conventional structure. A floating access way can be transported as manageable pieces and assembled on site very quickly.
Richardson Docks
If you are exploring the possibilities of building a floating walk way or bridge this year please consider giving us a call or Send us an Email about your floating bridge project
Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page for more ideas and pictures.
Things to consider:
Flotation Calculation
Using Secure Hardware